Formulating a Web Strategy for your Nonprofit

By Robin Zeff
From The Nonprofit Guide to the Internet, John Wiley & Sons, 1996, p.138

"We looked at a lot of sites before we created ours," says Steve Durland, Co-Director of Art in the Public Interest, "and found that many were overdesigned and content shy." What is housed at your site, not merely what it looks like, will keep vour audience coming ack again and again. Consequently, one of the first steps in the design process is to decide what material to include in the site. Here is a list of topics to consider:

  • Identity: Who you are-your mission statement, a listing or profiles of your staff.
  • Programs and services: What you do-your programs, projects, meetings, seminars, conferences, and so on. What services you offer-technical assistance, counseling, information referral, and so on.
  • Contact information: How you can be reached-address, e-mail address, phone numbers, office hours, and so on. If you have chapters or member organizations, how they can be reached.
  • Available resources: What material you have available for free or for sale-newsletters, magazines, publications, T-shirts, posters, and so on.
  • Current activities: What information you want to highlight-press releases, news reports, and so on.
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