Titles starting: A-H

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Book coverBest of All: The Quick Reference Guide to Effective Volunteer Involvement

A compendium of the best techniques for leading volunteer engagement, proven to work in a myriad of settings.

Book coverBetter Safe: Risk Management in Volunteer Programs

Demystifies risk management and sets out in plain language what every volunteer program needs to know about this sometimes scary, always critical subject.

Book coverBy Definition: Policies for Volunteer Programs

A walk-through of the importance of developing policies for and about volunteers, with clear examples and templates.

From the Top Down UK edition book coverFrom the Top Down, UK Edition

UK Edition of the best-selling book that identifies the critical link between the actions of an organisation’s senior management and the overall success of volunteer engagement.

Book cover for From the Top DownFrom the Top Down: The Executive Role in Successful Volunteer Involvement

Outlines the key executive decisions necessary to lay the foundation for successful volunteer involvement: policies, budgeting, staffing, employee-volunteer relationships, legal issues, cost and value of volunteers, and more.

book cover imageThe (Help!) I-Don't-Have-Enough-Time Guide to Volunteer Management

Is managing volunteers only part of your job? Or just not enough hours in a day? Learn to build a management team and and feel some relief from carrying the whole weight of leading volunteer involvement alone.