Keys to Effective Service Celebration

By Sarah Jane Rehnborg
From The Starter Kit for Mobilizing Volunteer Ministry, Leadership Network, 1995

To be effective, recognition must be an ongoing process--not an afterthought--but an integral component of program management. As you work to develop goals and objectives for a year-round, coordinated, church-wide effort of recognition and celebration, consider these suggestions:

8 Pointers for Successful Recognition

1 . Be timely. Recognition should be done immediately or in close proximity to the service given. Don't wait to say thanks on an annual basis, or at a big event. Find ways to say thanks all the time, for all levels and types of ministries.

2. Be consistent. If you acknowledge members rotating off of one committee with a special coffee mug, have sufficient mugs to thank all persons from all committees who are completing their terms of service in the same way.

3. Keep your plans manageable. It takes time and effort to create meaningful celebration events. Staff your committees adequately. Develop your plans well in advance. Pay special attention to details.

4. Be sincere, honest and genuine. Don't give accolades that you don't really mean. Every contribution doesn't have to be the biggest and the best or the most unusual to be acknowledged. It takes lots of people doing lots of little things in the background for everything to flow smoothly. Be grateful for all of God's children working in every way.

5. Be user-oriented. It is important that the persons whose efforts you are acknowledging feel appreciated. Be age-sensitive in your selection of food, the time of day you recognize the group or individual, and the form of thanks you select.M

6. Keep good records. Maintain accurate lists of all who have been involved in the ministry--salaried and non-salaried workers. When you celebrate accomplishments, include everyone in your thanks. Feelings are easily hurt when a person's contribution is inadvertently forgotten.

7. Be creative. Have peers recognize each other. Involve children in the recognition of their teachers. Acknowledge teams who have worked together as a team. Have programs outside of the church as well on your premises. There are no fixed rules or "right ways" to celebrate, so enjoy brainstorming and coming up with new ideas.

8. Have Fun. Celebrations are part of the joy of serving. They motivate people to continue and encourage them to grow through service. So have fun, be whimsical, be upbeat, be light hearted, and enjoy yourself!

Train staff to say thanks on an ongoing basis.

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