From the Introduction

By Donna Lockhart
From , The RETHINK Group, 2005

[This material provides worksheets with Audit questions, not book "text." The following is from the introduction.] 

As Managers of Volunteers, we are in the business of nurturing and promoting the benefits of voluntarism not just for today but with a keen eye to what resources will be needed in the future. Successfully engaging youth today may mean resource sustainability in the years to come. This is the true meaning of the term “gift” that I was trying to relate. We need tools and strategies that enable us to support youth and build them into life-long volunteers. Not a small or simple task. This is the purpose behind The Youth Volunteer Audit.

We need to understand, develop and implement best practices for dealing with young people as volunteers. They are a unique target group that deserves our attention. I believe this tool will assist organizations to work with youth in non volunteer experiences as well – those school directed activities like “community service,” “co-operative programs” and “placement.”

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