Profession of Volunteer Management

Susan reflects on how volunteer management requires a special world view within a culture so focused on economic gain. Read her version of "Everything I Needed to Know in Life, I Learned from Working with Volunteers."

Money is No Object

By Susan J. Ellis

Perhaps the most unique thing about working with volunteers is our perspective on cash. We don't need as much of it as other departments do. This financial freedom allows us a different approach to the subject of funding.

On Being a Dream-Catcher

By Susan J. Ellis

Ivan Scheier's new book is about dreams that die while others live and prosper. And he shares how we can be both a dreamer or a “Dream-Catcher”--a person who nurtures the dream-chaser towards accomplishing the dream.

Happy New Year and new millennium! Susan uses this milestone to envision her hopes for the future of professional development in our field, along with some move-it-forward resolutions.


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